SLJ Teen Live! Free Virtual Event 8/17

4:15 – 5:05 PM ET | Mind Matters: Tales of Resilience and Growth
Delve into the pages of these remarkable books, where authors explore the complexities of mental health and offer messages of hope, strength, and understanding.

Olivia A. Cole, Ariel Crashes a Train (Random House Children's Books)
Shideh Etaat, Rana Joon and the One and Only Now (Simon & Schuster)
Susan Lee, The Name Drop (HTP Books)
Mel Mallory, Letters from Bed World (West 44 Books)
Julie Wright, Swimming in a Sea of Stars (Shadow Mountain Publishing)
Moderator: Monisha Blair, Head Librarian, Key Middle School, Fairfax County (VA)

LA Book Launch at Skylight Books 7/29 with Holly Laine Fairall and Omid Arabian